Valley Ball Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Home > 2024 - FALL Player Registration

2024 Co-Ed Valley Ball Hockey Registration Form

  • Fall Ball Hockey runs for 8 weeks Starting Tuesday September 3 for Divisions 1 & 4, Thursday September 5 for Divisions 2 & 3.
  • Games are played at George Preston Sportsbox
  • Registration is only open to those who played spring ball hockey.
  • It is a quick 8 weeks and players are expected to make as much of a commitment as possible. Due to our limited capacity, if you have registered for other fall sports and will have conflicts on Tuesdays (Div 1 - 2015, 2016, 2017, Div 4 - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) or Thursdays (Div 2 - 2012, 2013, 2014 & Div 3 - 2009, 2010, 2011) perhaps Fall Ball Hockey is not your best option this year.
  • Registration is capped at 4 teams per division. There will be 4 divisions with small waitlists for each division. Registration closes when teams are full or August 17. 
  • Full-Time Spring 2024 Goalies will be given first priority to play goalie for Fall Ball Hockey. Waitlists will be started after each division fills its goalie slots. Waitlisted goalies will be offered a player position or a refund if they do not clear the waitlist.
  • If at any time the season is canceled, a $20.00 administration fee will be held back from all registrations to assist with ongoing costs. (Click to read Refund Policy)
  • At the start of the season, a $150 jersey deposit will be required before your child will be given a jersey. This is required by cheque. Please plan ahead to have a cheque ready for the start of the season.
  • The use of the George Preston Sportsbox is weather dependent. If games are canceled due to weather, they will not be rescheduled. Refunds will not be issued for missed games.
  • Because our teams are drafted, we cannot accommodate player requests to play with friends or car-pooling neighbours. Siblings within the same division will be placed on the same team.
  • Withdraw and refund requests should be sent to by August 17.

If you are registering with Kidsport or Jumpstart - Please contact the Registrar ( by email prior to registering for a coupon code. Please make sure you receive a confirmation email once you have registered! Please save a copy of the confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email please let our Registrar know (

* Indicates Required Field

Player Information

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code *

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Verify Email Address *

Gender *

Address *

City / Hometown *

Province *

Postal Code *

Phone Number *

Secondary Phone Number

Was your child a full time goalie for Spring 2024, and are you registering for Fall as a Full Time Goalie? *

Only full-time Spring 2024 goalies will be able to register as a goalie for Fall Ball Hockey. Part Time goalies should register as a player.

Does your child play forward or defence? *

Please select the position your child plays (or wants to play). Positions are left to the coach's discretion but choosing a position helps draft the teams.

Which Spring 2024 Team Did you Play for *

Please indicate your team (ex: U13-11 or team name)

GOALIES: How many years has your child played Goal? *

A year where a child played goal in Ice Hockey and Ball Hockey would be counted as playing 1 year. If not a goalie, please choose none.

How many years has your child played ball hockey? *

How many years has your child played ice hockey? *

How many years has your child played soccer? *

Does your child participate in other fall sports? *

Please select the appropriate sports you child is also registered for that occur September & October.

Please indicate your child's t-shirt size *

Please tell us of any medical conditions we should know about your child.

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian First Name *

Parent/Guardian Last Name *

Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Verify Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Parent/Guardian Phone Number *

Parent/Guardian Secondary Phone Number

Parent/Guardian Address

Parent/Guardian City

Parent/Guardian Province / State

Parent/Guardian Postal / Zip Code

Emergency Contact *

Emergency Contact's Phone Number *

Are you interested in helping? (I.e. Coach, Assistant, Team Manager)

Ball Hockey is an exciting sport for everyone. For us to continue to be successful, we ask that any parents who would like to participate or volunteer in any way to please let us know. Would you be willing to help this year? If so, how...

Are you or your child interested in becoming a referee?

Our organization has become successful due to the large number of people who take part and help the kids in a variety of ways. We would love to have more referees join us this year, and it does not require previous experience. If you are willing to help in any capacity, please select yes and we will contact you for more information.

Are there any additional notes or comments you would like to let us know?

Parent/Guardian 2 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 First Name

Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name

Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address

Verify Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address

Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number

Second parent interested in helping? (I.e. Coach, Assistant, Team Manager)

Ball Hockey is an exciting sport for everyone. For us to continue to be successful, we ask that any parents who would like to participate or volunteer in any way to please let us know. Would you be willing to help this year? If so, how...

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